Living Stones (Guyana)

Daily Devotional – Friday, September 15, 2017

Living Stones – Friday, September 15, 2017

Good works as a pattern

 Titus 2:7

… in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works;

What’s a pattern? The word pattern is deep and rich and can be applied to many things in many ways. But one meaning we could take to apply to this biblical passage is this – a consistent, characteristic form or style or method. This pattern could be applied to an individual, or to a family or larger group.

In the short letter to Titus, the matter of “good works” comes up repeatedly. Here, at the beginning of chapter 2, Paul says to Titus that good works should not be a one-off effort. It’s not an organized campaign for a weekend to help those in need. It’s not some interventions when we are made to feel guilty about not helping others. Rather it must be a pattern.

In this section of the letter the Apostle was telling young Titus what must be taught to various groups in the church based on demographics. He got to the issue of young men and quickly switches back to advise Titus, himself a young man. He urges Titus to not just be a teacher with good sounding words, not just be a preacher that can move people spiritually or emotionally, not just be a leader marshalling the troops, BUT to be a leader whose character and lifestyle are a consistent example of good works – a pattern.

Our personal life is often of greater importance and impact in our teaching, leadership, and ministry than the things we say. Good works show that our life and lifestyle are in line with our beliefs. The effect of the Word on our lives must be all inclusive, not segmented in time and circumstances.

In chapter 3 of his letter, James makes a point that leaders will come under a stricter judgment that those who are led. This supports the point Paul is making to Titus that the leader must have a life that is characterised by good works.

One of the other meanings of the word pattern is that it refers to a – plan or model to be followed. When our good works form a pattern, we are laying down a model for other to follow. Those who observe us from outside and those who follow us on the inside must see a discernable and distinct patter of good works for which they both glorify God in heaven and seek to emulate in their own lives.

Let your life be a pattern of good works.

Think of these things:

  1. Are the things that you do consistently in keeping with the things you believe?
  2. What are the lifestyle things in your life that form a pattern?
  3. Do you have to make any lifestyle changes for good works to be a pattern in your life?

Prayer focus:

Pray today that we will be more consistent in the way we live and the things we do, leaving a pattern for others to follow.

In His Grace

Pastor Alex

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