Living Stones (Guyana)

Daily Devotional – Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Living Stones – Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Think on these things 

Philippians 4:8

… whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

Because it starts in the head we must be conscious and deliberate about what things (thoughts) we allow to occupy our minds.

The Apostle Paul was, in this letter to the Christians in Philippi, saying thanks to them for their kindness to him in his difficult circumstances. But, as Paul always does, he encourages the church and address issues of concern and of significance to them.

It is clear that there were some relationship issues (4:2-3) and he needed to help the believers understand how conduct is determined. So, Paul addresses the connection between what’s going on in our heads with how we are living our lives and relating to others. Thinking is the foundation of speech and action.

As we saw, in the case of Joseph (Genesis 37), the more his brothers allowed themselves to be consumed by jealousy and envy the closer they came to be talking about a plan to kill him, and then to actually executing a plan to get rid of him.

The guidance from the scripture here, is that we must deliberately develop a pattern of thought that protects us from harbouring other thoughts that undermine our character, distort our conduct and, in the process, damage our relationships.

Being deliberate in our thinking requires some effort. Effort because we must first establish that the things we are going to think about meet the recommended standard. For example, if we are going to focus only on things that are true, we must establish the truthfulness of the things we think about.

As another example, we are also challenged to think on things that are pure. We know that that requires a big effort. It is so easy to think impure thoughts because of the many triggers of impure thinking that are before us all the time.

Take a good look at the full list of recommended things for thought, things that are:


noble (honourable)

just (right)



admirable (good report)

virtuous (excellent)


These are the things that should be in our heads forming a pattern of thought.

Think of these things:

  1. What’s going on in your head?
  2. Do you have a pattern of thought that matches the list recommended by Paul to the Philippians?
  3. Can you identify which areas of thought require your greatest effort today?

Prayer focus:

Pray today that for the Holy Spirit to help us change our pattern of thought where we fail to meet the standard of thought recommended in the scripture.

In His Grace

Pastor Alex

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