Upcoming Events
Welcome to Living Stones (Guyana)
Building Lives | Building Community
Come to our Weekly Bible Study on Friday evenings at 19:00h (7:00pm),or our Worship Experience on Sundays at 8:00h (8:00am).
At Living Stones, we aim to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in both traditional and contemporary ways to meet the needs of the members of our community so that they would see their lives, homes, and the community transformed.
In addition to providing a place of worship for people of all backgrounds, we offer prayer, counseling, life skills coaching, mentoring, family life education, and training in music and other arts.
From our blog
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December 25 Incarnation Philippians 2:5-7 [Christ Jesus], who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. We must at some time contemplate why
Our Podcasts
Burial Rituals
by Rev Alex Graham on August 20, 2020 -
by Rev Alex Graham on April 7, 2020
by Rev Alex Graham on April 5, 2020
This Is A Hard One
by on March 27, 2020
To go or to stay?
by on March 27, 2020
Do You Want To Get Well
by on March 27, 2020
Background Check
by Rev Alex Graham on May 5, 2019