
Daily Devotional – Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Living Stones – Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Good works

 Ephesians 2:10

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

We are still in this verse. Yesterday we talked about the statement of identity, “we are His workmanship,” today we will meditate on the following idea of “good works.”

What is the Apostle really talking about? This is a very complex issue because, if we read the context, verses 4-10 we see that Paul makes the point forcefully that no works that we could do are able to earn salvation in Christ. Our works are worthless. Grace not works is the key to our life in Christ Jesus. However, he now makes the point that grace itself results in good works.

So, good works don’t lead to grace, but grace leads to good works.

Understand the difference. We cannot earn salvation, ever, no matter what we do. Salvation remains God’s sovereign choice. But we cannot be truly saved and not show that by good works. So, works are not to earn salvation, rather works are proof of salvation. It is impossible for those who are truly saved to not be motivated to do good works.

Paul, writing in a different context, said that ‘the love of God compels us;” that is a good thought here, we do good works because the love of God compels us!

There is a full discussion on this matter of faith and works in James 2:14-26. James concludes his discussion by declaring that “faith without works is dead.”

The child of God, motivated by grace, walking in faith, will by the presence of God’s Holy Spirit in them, seek to do good works. Not for grace but by grace.

Jesus said it this way, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven

The only question that remains then is; what are the good works?

Think of these things:

  1. What does the grace of God motivate you to do?
  2. Do you see opportunity in and around you for good works?
  3. What stops you from doing good works?

Prayer focus:

Pray today that we would learn to truly appreciate the grace of God that our response of gratitude would result in good works that glorify our father in heaven.

In His Grace

Pastor Alex

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